It’s any other day and you are at the top of your game: you’re effective, you’re focused, and you make things happen.
In the midst of a day filled with back to back appointments you're on a roll, but then it happens…you feel the lingering presence of a shadow at your door. When you finally glance up, a manager approaches you with the all knowing, “I know you’re busy, but…” request of the day.
Something in you burns. A fire of anxiety and irritation races from the pit of your stomach to your face and your cheeks light up in a flushed red. Not only were you interrupted, but now you’re being challenged and questioned on your previous work and expertise.
Thoughts race through your mind, “Why does this always happen to me…how dare they,” and soon those evolve into the, “did I really miss something...are they double checking because they think I’m not good enough for this role?” You catch yourself just enough to respond to their query and they soon move on to their next doorway.
But you don’t move on, not really. They leave and you’re left with the residual ick, added stress, and questioning of your own self-worth and competency. Deep breaths and refocus allow you to avoid additional thoughts to this encounter, but by the end of the day, the emotional toll and doorway visits add up, resulting in them being displaced onto our family and friends whom we care for the most, or we isolate ourselves and the emotional toll and baggage weighs upon us until the next work day where it begins again.
No one understands the pressure you’re under nor do you have time to dedicate to address this. So, you handle this like everything else and continue onward.
Sound familiar?
It’s a common routine, cycle, and experience that happens with most professionals. It’s something we deal with and handle on a daily basis.
Because. We. Can.
You’re probably doing a great job at it, too...until you’re not.
You most likely won't see the connection, nor see it coming. It will seep out through small behavioral changes at first. It could be burnout or resentment toward colleagues, friends, or family. At some point, it has been avoided and “handled” so much that it becomes bigger than it ever thought possible and suddenly your life is not what it used to be, nor imagined it should be by now.
Sounds hopeless, right?
How would you feel if I said you could resolve these issues, those that have been with you for seemingly decades, in as little as one to five appointments.
Enter stage right:
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART).
A revolutionary kind of therapy that reprograms the brain’s response to negative emotions, sensations, and intrusive memories. It is incredible. It is life changing.
It has proven effectiveness in 1-5 sessions. It is the quickest trauma therapy available. You keep the facts, and lose the pain. It acknowledges and addresses the neurobiological components of bodily sensations, emotions, and memory (something I truly appreciate). As your brain processes with eye movements, you will naturally notice shifts in your thinking, in the way that you're responding, and then in the behaviors that show up in your life from that moment going forward.
This therapy is not widely explored in Wisconsin, yet, but has spread worldwide as the effective evidence-based treatment for addressing trauma, phobias, depression, grief, addiction, and anxiety.
I am a provider who practices what I preach, so I too have experienced this firsthand as a client and practitioner. ART will help you decrease unwanted bodily sensations resulting in you having radically different responses in your body to things that have been bothering you prior to an ART session. I have seen incredible results. People are stopping isolation and starting connections. They are connecting with people in the right places and responding to the world the way they want to, because things feel better and they are better. They are getting out of their own way and increasing their success at work and at home.
Who benefits?
You will see significant changes in a short amount of time, so this life changing therapy is ideal for people who don’t want to be in weekly therapy, or for those who have had something big happen and they want to shift the way they respond to a difficult situation in a short period of time.
If you are someone who might not have a lot of time in your schedule (dramatic pause and side eye…because we know that’s you) and/or you want to remove pain quickly, this is what you have been waiting for. All of those things you can handle, you can put down now with the help of ART therapy.
This is finally a therapy that can put me out of a job, and I’m here for it.
Will it put me out of a job? Probably not. We as adults carry and endure far too many stressors and pain throughout our lifetime. Will this finally be something that people can use and successfully move on with their lives? Absolutely.
What now?
Click here to learn more about ART from the founder herself, Laney Rosenzweig.
Click here to explore more about the evidence based results and studies.
If you don't have time for any of that and are ready to finally live a life deserving of you, click here to schedule next steps.
Not in Wisconsin, but want to find an ART therapist near you? I got you: click here for a full directory of providers.
Get on living your best live and evolve into you.
All the best,
715 Hill Street, Ste 270
Madison, WI 53705
608 501 3361
EVO Counseling is a Madison, Wisconsin based mental health practice offering individual therapy, therapy intensives and retreats. Therapy is available in-person and online.
© Copyright EVO Counseling LLC 2023