Questions to Ask a Therapist During a Consultation

Nicole Podolak • January 7, 2025

Preparing yourself to get the most out of the therapist consultation.

Deciding to begin psychotherapy requires a significant investment of time, money, and mental energy. Just the idea alone of finding the right one can feel daunting. While most therapists will offer a free, brief initial consultation by phone, online, or in person, the idea of being put on the spot and pressure of “finding the right fit” can seem overwhelming. A consultation with a therapist is the time to ask your questions so you can make a more informed decision about whether to begin therapy.

To get you started, it may  be beneficial to go over several helpful questions you should ask yourself and be ready to ask a potential therapist before formally agreeing to begin treatment.

It is important to ask yourself these questions, as sharing the answers during a consultation may help the therapist also identify if they are a right fit for you in working toward your goals.

Questions to first ask yourself

What are your current feelings, symptoms, or problems you are experiencing?  How long have you had them?

Briefly sharing how you feel and how you have been feeling may help the therapist understand where you are starting. It could be as simple as stating, “I have been feeling more anxious lately, I can’t sleep, and I keep having thoughts running through my mind all day. This has been happening for the past two months.”

How would you like to feel differently?

Sharing how you would like to feel different can help start to identify a goal or expectation for therapy. What would you like to see happen and how you would know therapy is working. If you don’t know the answer to this question, that’s ok, too, and also important to share. 

What has your experience been with therapy?

What has your experience been in the past with therapy? Has it been useful to you? Knowing your background with therapy can allow the therapist to be mindful of certain practices or interventions to use, should you decide to work together. 

You are encouraged to write your answers down, so that it is easier to share them during your consultation. Once you have reviewed your concerns and needs, you can also ask the therapist questions.

Questions to ask a therapist

 Remember, asking questions can ensure that you find someone who's not only qualified but also aligns with your needs and goals. To help you get started, here is a list of questions you could ask a therapist during a consultation call. It may be helpful to write down the questions most important to you, in order of importance, to ensure you get your questions ask during the time allotted for the consultation.

  • How long have you been practicing?
  • How do you approach treatment? What clinical modality do you use?
  • How much experience do you have in treating my issues and concerns? 
  • What are your policies around cancellations, insurance, and payments?
  • How often would you anticipate seeing me? For how long?
  • What is typical session like? How long are the sessions?
  • What kind of homework/reading do you give patients?
  • How do I prepare for my first session?
  • What if, after a couple of sessions, I decide it’s not a good fit?
  • Based on what you know about me so far, do you believe we’re a good fit? Why or why not?
  • What are some things I should know before working with you?

While this list is not all encompassing, I hope it is a helpful starting point to get you on your path. Knowing the right questions to ask a therapist during the initial consultation is an important part of your mental health journey. Just as you would ask several questions when purchasing a home or car, selecting a skilled therapist also requires getting enough information to make a good decision. Psychotherapy is effective in the hands of a competent therapist, so give yourself time to do a little research before embarking on this experience, because you are worth the investment.

As always, evolve into you.


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